
Terrible night at work. So, here I am, I’m my garage, getting drunk to try and wash the anxiety away with beer. Then I have to get up and take a piss. I step out the back door, and while I pull my cock and balls out of my banana hammock, I wonder if aliens came down an abducted me, would anyone miss me?

(Bleep) New Year

I’m not one of these people who waxes useless words to characterize the first day of a new year. I don’t see hopes and dreams coming true; I don’t see new possibilities. I see a new year, the same as the last. I’m sure to those of you who are reading this blog post, that seems a bit morose, but I call them like I see them.

Never on a New Year’s Eve have I brought in the new year in a bar or at a party or fucked some random stranger. I’m sure to some of you, those crowning achievements seem a tad bit mundane, but for a guy like me? I might as well win the lottery.

Just as I didn’t go out of my way to listen to a single Christmas song last year or wish someone Merry Christmas, I’m not wishing anyone a Happy New Year. I don’t have it in me because I don’t believe it for myself.

Fuck it.

I’ll hear of vacations that others are planning to take, and I’ll be exceedingly jealous. Oh, wait. My family does have a vacation planned. We’re going down to Tennessee to see some preacher. Nothing says a fun vacation like being delivered from demons!

My mom says that I need deliverance; says I’m, in a way, possessed. I don’t feel possessed. I feel reality. I feel sad, lethargic, bored, unmotivated. They tell me I should go back to school to get my RN degree. I’m 38 years old! What the fuck is college gonna do for me?

Being married to a woman who has successfully anchored not only herself but me as well to the home and being the father of three autistic kids, I don’t see any great improvements coming. But that’s my life in a nutshell; wanting more out of life and unable to attain it. I’m miserable and living in despair.

But who gives a fuck, right?

I’m wrong for feeling the way I do. As my mom constantly loves to remind me-life could be so much worse. That’s not exactly the greatest thing to say to someone who’s standing on the precipice of self-destruction. In other words, my feelings are invalid.

No hopes. No dreams. No new year’s resolutions.


Do you ever think about committing suicide? I do. And here lately, it’s an every day thing. Just driving down the road, trying to figure out which tree or telephone pole to wrap my car around. It’s never ending and it never goes away. I’ve already run through the short list of people I have to talk to. Guess people get tired of me easy.

Depressed, suicidal, and feeling like a burden.

The Walking Wounded, is what I call people like me. Others pass us bye without a second thought. People like me don’t stay silent about our suffering, not out of pride-but out of shame. There is such a stigma surrounding people who suffer from mental illness.

And for guys, it’s ten times worse. Not only are we expected to carry our burden and “suck it up”, but no one really gives a fuck, you know? So what if a guy took a flying leap off a bridge or a building or stuck a gun in his mouth and blew his brains out? The world is one less shy another dude.

The sun sets, the moon rises. Another day at the office.

How in the Fuck

How does a cute kid like this go from being a cute kid to a murderer? From news reports I’ve seen, he wasn’t brought up in the greatest environment. Drawing pictures of a gun with blood and the words “help me”? Counselors at his school raised an alarm and now his parents are being charged. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just spit-balling here, but the boy is certainly responsible for his crimes, and it sounds like his parents are responsible for something, but if he was as depressed as what his fellow students said he was and there were so damn many red flags, who in the hell dropped the ball at the school and didn’t do ANYTHING to try and help this kid and get him out a desperate situation?! A drawing of a gun with blood and the words “help me!” How does one not see danger on the horizon?

Edited note: the day the teacher found the drawing, other words like “my life is useless” and “the world is dead” were found. His parents were called in to take him home and get him into counseling. But they didn’t take him home. They left him there. And the idiots at the school let him go back to class! Officials at the school should be losing their damn jobs! These people didn’t have to die!

Not Really Sure What the Fuck I Should Call This

I think a lot.

I think of how things were when I was a kid.  I think of my mom, younger, just as pretty then as she is now.  I once teased her how she was a professional butt wiper.  That pissed her off.  And now, all these many years later, I am one, too.

I think of my sisters; young with friends and so sure they had all the answers; idolizing black America’s crowned thug prince, Tupac Shakur.  I can’t stand that fucker!

Does anyone have the answers to life?

It seems that people from all walks of faith like to believe they have all the answers.  My answer to life is do the best you can, but we shouldn’t make excuses.  Sometimes, we’re all like the Apostle Peter: just trying to keep our heads above water.

I think of my dad a lot, too.  He died from an abdominal aortic aneurysm.  The aorta is your heart’s powerhouse artery, I guess.  Once that goes, you’re fucked.  It seems unfair.  So many shitty people in the world, and they get chance after fuckin chance, but my dad?

Nope.  One kill switch and it’s lights out!

I’ve been told that I have had a difficult time in accepting his death.  I don’t disagree with that.  Truth is, I don’t know that I ever will accept it.

Thirty-six years old and some might say get over it!  Some wounds sting for a lifetime.

If my dad could see all the stupid shit I’ve done, shit I won’t repeat to a solitary soul, I wonder if he would still be proud of me.  Or disappointed?  Or would he look at me and say, “you know, a lot of men would have run from the hand that life dealt them, but you didn’t.  So, I’ll give you a pass!”

I guess that’s the main point, isn’t it?  I haven’t run?  I haven’t offed myself like all those times I wanted to.  I’m still here, still breathing.  And even though I fear getting older, I reckon that’s all can do.

Abortion vs. Vasectomy Analogy

First off, who deems whom financially or emotionally fit to be a parent? Just because someone is not “wealthy” doesn’t make them a bad parent. And unless you have tens of thousands and thousands of dollars in the bank, you will never be financially ready to be a parent. The average cost of reversing a vasectomy is between $7,000 to $9,000. So, who pays for that? This by far is the most asinine comparison I have ever heard of!

I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to say that women have to fight for their abortion “rights” every single day. Since Roe vs Wade, do you know how many times abortion has been overturned, even when the Supreme Court has been packed with conservatives? Zero! Nada! Zip!

Abortion ain’t going anywhere!

While we are at it, let’s stop calling it abortion, and call it what it is: population control. And if you think that governments or billionaires like Bill Gates haven’t expressed support for population control, think again. One only has to look to China to see a clear example. But then again, they’re hardly ever swept up into a war. War is a vital component to population control, too. Hence the reason why President Trump didn’t start any new wars, and Joe Biden has already started sending weapons to the Middle East. Admiral Charles Richard has warned of possible nuclear war with China and Russia.

We are primed for a big one, folks!

Now, some people would say that I, like Augustus McCrae, would argue with a possum. But what the hell? I love the movie Lonesome Dove, so let’s turn on some George Jones and jump right in!

For arguments sake, let’s say that at some point in the near future, the United States government mandates that all males between the ages of 10 and 19 must have an involuntary vasectomy. Vasectomys are able to be reversed, but even a reversal is not 100%.

According to the US Census Bureau, there were 41,852,838 males in the United States as of 2019. Having a vasectomy is cheap; anywhere from 100 to a thousand dollars. It’s the reversal that gets you. And as I stated earlier, a reversal costs between $7,000 to $9,000. Granted, not all males, once they get older and are deemed financially and emotionally fit to have children, will want to have their vasectomys reversed.

I still have yet to figure out how one is considered financially and emotionally fit to be a parent, but again, this is all for fun, sort of. In reality, this argument is as dubious as the analogy. But you get the point.

Are you still reading? Good!

Of those 41,852,838 males, let’s say that eighty percent get their vasectomys reversed. Eighty percent of 41,852,838 is 33,482,270. Between the seven-thousand and nine-thousand, we will play it safe and go with eight-thousand dollars. Which, by the way, who’s going to pay for these? Given the fact that Democrats want to fuck up our economy and socialize everything, we will say the American taxpayer will foot the bill.

Great! We pay for everything else! Why not someone’s vasectomy reversal?! God damn liberals!

Feel free to check my math. Well, my calculators math; 33,482,270 times $8,000 is: $267,858,160,000! Hell, by this time, we may be using the Digital Dollar or the Amero. Regardless of how it goes, it’s all fiat currency. In layman’s terms, it’s currency that isn’t backed by a commodity, such as gold or silver.

I’m sure that I am going to get comments to this claiming that since I am a man, and not a woman, (thank God Almighty), then I have no right to an opinion. If that is the selfish argument with which you are going to bring me, then go on bye. I’ll say this: if you are a Republican or someone who voted for President Trump, and you believe this way, you’re a RINO, a jackass wearing elephant’s skin!

Despite how the media likes to portray us, men are more than simple minded fools who think of more than just breasts and where to stick our dicks!

It wasn’t women who signed the Declaration of Independence and created the Constitution. It wasn’t women, who up until the last few decades, were dying in American wars. It wasn’t teenage girls and young women who were getting shipped to Europe to fight a terrible evil during World War Two and dying on the beaches of Normandy. Did you know that President Truman had two national addresses written for D-Day? One for failure and one for success? And aside from the paper shopping bag and foot pedal trashcan, the inventions created by women worth noting are kevlar, the circular saw and the computer! Now, that’s pretty damn impressive!

As ridiculous as this argument is, it is a polarizing one, nonetheless. Do I think the world could come to the point of forced sterilization? Sure. Do I think war and abortion are the methods of the world power elite to try and control the world’s population? Yes, I do. Since it’s inception in our culture, over sixty-two million babies have been aborted since 1973.

Sixty-two million! How many great leaders, doctors, inventors have we lost out on? George Carlin once said that Americans should stop expecting the government to fix education. Every time you hear a politician talk, it’s always “we need more education!” No. We need you to get the fuck out!

Politicians will never make an honest effort to fix education because they dont want Americans capable of critical thinking. I once read a study, believe it or not, (the study, not my ability to read) that said that Americans are the friendliest people on earth. Why? Because when you see a stranger in the store, what do you do? You smile at them. Why do you smile? Because you’re showing that person that you mean them no harm.

And in that, is our individual identity. In following mask mandates without question, we as Americans, have lost our identity. We no longer see each other as fellow Americans, but as possible carriers of germs. We want things to go back to normal, but they won’t. COVID protocols are much more than virus protection; and like the topic of abortion, it’s about control and divisive manipulation.

End of the Republic?

To say that I am disappointed that President Trump is conceding the election, is a gross understatement.  I support the President now, and I’ll support him long after he leaves office.  And to all my liberal friends who read this and wonder how someone can support him, allow me to put it to you gracefully: he isn’t a career politician.

Think about that.

With the exception of Donald J. Trump, every person who has ran for the Office of President and won, every single last one of them, has been a career politician.  And career politicians are like a family.  Think of them as dueling mafia clans.  Sure, one of them gets sacrificed every now and then, but once someone from the outside comes along to upset that balance, they bond together to fight that person.

People think that after Biden takes office, things will go on like they are, but they won’t.  President Trump has changed things.  His election has exposed how crooked and rancid American society really is.  For four years, all we heard about was Russian collusion.  The government spent more money investigating that altogether than they did the terror attacks of September 11, 2001; even with inflation taken into consideration.  And ever since that day, the United States has been under a constant state of “declared war”.

We are the Late Great United States!  We prop up dictators and support despotism, toppled governments and have installed puppet regimes, but how dare someone interfere with our election process!

Think about that.

I have never seen a President so embattled than President Trump.  And that was even before he took office.  People who once loved him for his money, now hate him.  Celebrities who make their living by “playing pretend” called for his assassination.  And we’re deplorables?

Had any conservative celebrity said this about Obama, they would be blacklisted from Hollywood.  Want to know why Hollywood liberals schmoozed so close to Obama?  Because he was HALF black.  And everyone hates to be branded as a racist nowadays.

I’ll throw another wrench in your cogs: freedom is an illusion.  Now, we can talk all day long about term limits and throwing current members out, pay cuts and all that shit, but it won’t happen.  The government has gained all the authority, and we let them.

I wish I could say that great days are ahead for the United States, but I can’t.  We’re going to see more foreign entanglements that have absolutely nothing to do with us, a stronger push for gun abolition, unprecedented spending and a massive government overhaul that will dwarf our wildest fears.  People think that with Biden, things will get better, but they won’t.  It will be back to more of “meet the new boss, same as the old boss”.

During President Trump’s four years, we had a real chance to correct some of our wrongs.  However, we decided to focus on Russia.  Democrats and the media sold us a lie and many fell for it, hook, line and sinker!

Now, a weary President Trump will leave the White House on January 20th.  A cowardly Mike Pence will come back to Indiana, hopefully, a cold welcome.  For four years, he had to defend his character as opposed to tackling the real issues plaguing America.  One of our greatest missed opportunities.

And that, my fellow Americans, is truly sad.

Dear Joe Biden

At his inauguration, I don’t want to hear Biden calling for unity. Joe Biden, I don’t like you. I’ve never liked you! You’re an idiot!

The fact that you chose a woman who was nasty to you in the primaries and called you a racist (I don’t know, you probably are) and you had dead people voting for you, ballot counters walking off the job, and ballots coming up missing, just goes to show that you are as two-faced and deceptive as any other politician!

Don’t talk to me about supporting you and unity! From the moment he was elected, you and your cronies gave President Trump nothing but hell! George Bush, possibly one of the worst Presidents of all time, didn’t get the treatment from you that President Trump did!

You pushed the narrative about colluding with Russia right up to the point of COVID!

Democrats are the party of labeling. Democrats are the party of slavery, of oppression, of segregation-shall I go on? You people tried to assassinate the President’s character over and over again. Even to the point of using a porn star to do it! Take your “unity” talk and shove it up your ass!

Address from the President of the United States

Washington DC,

The White House, Oval Office

The President sits at his desk; his hands clasped and fingers intertwined.  Millions across the country and the globe, wait anxiously for the President to speak.  His expression is somber, but firm.

Beyond the camera, the Press Secretary quietly counts down…three, two, one…

“Good evening.  My fellow Americans, when I ran for office over three years ago, I swore that I would shed light on the corruption and treachery that is so prevalent within our government.  And I intend to keep that promise.

My fellow Americans, I think a vast majority of you would agree with me when I express my disappointment in our elected officials on Capital Hill, and the egregious rioting that took place in both Congressional chambers more than a week ago.  We fight with our words and votes, not with our fists and makeshift weapons.

Of the 535 elected officials, over seventy had to be rushed to the hospital, twenty are in critical condition, Congresswoman Hoover died on the House floor, and it was just passed along to me that Senator Collins from Nebraska, succumbed to his injuries and passed away at 4:37 this afternoon.  Whether Republican or Democrat, my sincerest and heartfelt condolences go out to both families.  Needless loss of life is a travesty.

My fellow Americans, it gives me no great pleasure for what I am about to say.  However, I believe that it is our only option, if we, as a nation, expect to survive.  For too many decades, Congress has had a nonexistent, if not, extremely low approval rating.  No matter the year or election cycle, it has come to be called a “do-nothing Congress”.  Your elected officials make six-figure salaries while Americans starve, and men and women are sent to foreign lands to die in the name of freedom.

My fellow Americans, that is not a Republic-that is tyranny!  For my part, I have surrendered more than 80% of my salary to charitable funds and contributions.  You can find each and every single one on the White House website.

For this reason, and many others to be detailed at a later date, I have declared a state of national emergency and signed Presidential Directive 57. Upon this signing, all members of Congress are disbanded, and Congress suspended. All branches of the federal government will fall in line under the office of President.

At this moment, the 2nd Marine Division out of Camp Lejeune is working in cooperation with the Secret Service to evacuate and secure Capital Hill. No current or previous serving member of Congress may enter the building without escort. Disbanded members may enter their offices, but only to collect personal items. I have directed the Attorney General and the FBI to confiscate all files, both written and electronic for investigation by the justice department.

Any member charged with crimes against the United States will be tried before a military tribunal.

Martial law is not declared. Be that as it may, rioters will be considered by this administration to be domestic terrorists, and will be handled as such by the United States armed forces. Disability and retirement payouts will continue as scheduled.

Dates to elect a new Congress will be set for a series of dates later this year. In the coming weeks, I will be meeting with all the governors to discuss an amendment to the Constitution, establishing term limits for Congressional members, pay and compensation. It is important to note that with Presidential Directive 57, all past members have received a liftime prohibition from ever serving again in the federal government. Also, past members are prohibited from having any affiliation with any future member of the federal government.

This administration will post the proposed 30th amendment to the Constitution in its entirety later this week.”

The President became silent for a moment, and then leaned forwards on his desk.

“My fellow Americans, I know that this comes as a great shock to you, as it does myself. But a forest cannot survive unless the debris is purged by fire. What we are about to endure will be a long and painful process. But I believe we together can do it. We have to do it. For our sake, and our children’s sake.

Whether you like me or not, I need your prayers and support. This is your chance to take your country back and serve it with nobility and dignity.

Although, he was of the opposing party, I admire President Kennedy and his courage. His admonition of every American to ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, are perhaps the most profound I have ever heard.

Our nation is ailing. Our nation needs you, the American people.

Goodnight, and God bless.”